'Hindi Diwas' fortnight celebration in AIR Coimbatore
Hindi Diwas fortnight was celebrated in AIR Coimbatore. Many competitions were organised for the employees by Shri. Kavetti Rangan, Assistant Director BSNL. Prizes were distributed by Shri. Jaivadan...
View ArticleSwachchata Hi-Seva various activities carried out by AIR,Coimbatore.
'Clean Coimbatore' - Live Programme with Shri. Syed was broadcast on 15.9.2018 at 11 A.M. and the activities happening in and around Coimbatore.A Live Programme with Public was broadcast from Railway...
View ArticleNavratri - Celebrating Women Power of PB - Akashvani Pune
This year we are celebrating Navratri with women empowerment. Unlike Maa Durga they do not have several hands and powers, but still work efficiently in each and every field they are assigned. Let us...
View Articleप्रसार भारती सचिवालय में हिंदी दिवस एवं हिंदी पखवाड़ा, 2018 का आयोजन
प्रसार भारती सचिवालय में हिंदी पखवाड़ा की शुरूआत दिनांक 14.09.2018 को हिंदी दिवस समारोह के आयोजन के साथ हुई। 28.09.2018 तक संचालित हिंदी पखवाड़े के दौरान विभिन्न वर्गों के अधिकारियों/कर्मचारियों के...
View ArticleBemisaal Suman Kalyanpur whose voice was often mistaken to be that of Lata...
Suman Kalyanpur's voice was very similar to the great singer Lata Mangeshkar. Many of her songs are indistinguishable from Lata's style, because she sung with a quality comparable to Lata. Kalyanpur...
View ArticlePresentation on 'Jagrut Mumbaikar" at VBS AIR BORIVALI MUMBAI by Security...
Police Personnel from the Security wing of Mumbai Police namely Police Officers Shri Pravin Gajarmal and Shri Ashok Patil conducted “Jagrut Mumbaikar” programme at AIR, VBS, Studios on 01.10.2018 at...
View ArticleNavratri - Celebrating Women Power of PB - Akashvani Khandwa
This year we are celebrating Navratri with women empowerment. Unlike Maa Durga they do not have several hands and powers, but still work efficiently in each and every field they are assigned. Let us...
View Articleआकाशवाणी संगीत सम्मेलन (लखनऊ)
Some of the glimpses of Akashwani Sangeet samnelan Lucknow - Contributed by :- Dr. Ajay Veer Singhdravs2003@gmail.com
View Articleआकाशवाणी रायपुर में आकाशवाणी संगीत सम्मेलन 2018 का आयोजन
आकाशवाणी महानिदेशालय नई दिल्ली द्वारा प्रस्तावित आकाशवाणी संगीत सम्मेलन 2018 के अन्तर्गत आकाशवाणी रायपुर छत्तीसगढ़ द्वारा दिनांक 06 अक्टूबर शनिवार को स्थानीय प्रोफेसर जय नारायण शासकीय बहुउद्देशीय उच्चतर...
View ArticleNavratri - Celebrating Women Power of PB - Akashvani Chennai
This year we are celebrating Navratri with women empowerment. Unlike Maa Durga they do not have several hands and powers, but still work efficiently in each and every field they are assigned. Let us...
View ArticleInspiration - क्रिस गेल (क्रिकेट की दुनिया में बड़ा ही जाना माना नाम ) - कैसे...
क्रिस गेल (Chris Gayle) क्रिकेट की दुनिया में बड़ा ही जाना माना नाम है ।इनका जन्म 21 सितंबर, 1979 को किंग्सटन, जमैका में हुआ था। गेल का पूरा नाम Christopher Henry Gayle है इनको प्यार से “क्रैम्प” या...
View ArticleSamayita Ghosh D/o Shri. Dhruba Ghosh presented a paper on pollution which is...
Shri. Dhruba Ghosh is a retired employee of DDK Kolkata & marketing division of Kolkata. He was retired on 2003. His daughter Samayita Ghosh who made a in-depth research on pollution and it’s...
View ArticleSwach Bharath Activity in AIR Chitradurga on 10th October 2018
As part of Swachch Bharath Abhiyan, AIR Chitradurga Karnataka has organised a cleaning activity in the office premises and premises Staff Quarters of AIR & DD between 07 AM to 08.30 AM. All the...
View Articleआकाशवाणी एवम् दूरदर्शन अमरावती तथा दूरदर्शन अनुरक्षण केंद्र अकोला मे हिंदी...
दिनांक 28/09/2018 को आकाशवाणी एवम् दूरदर्शन अमरावती मे हिंदी पखवाडे का समापन किया गया । कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता कायालय प्रमुख श्री. प्रकाश आमलेनेकी इस अवसर पर हिंदी पखवाडे के दौरान ली गई प्रतियोगिताओं...
View ArticleStatue of Mr. Alfred Braun, the first broadcaster of German Radio
A post from Obaid Niazi, one of the senior retired AIR officer and PB parivar member is found worth sharing............. On my daily walk on the bank of the river SPREE in Berlin , I saw a beautiful...
View ArticleNavratri - Celebrating Women Power of PB - Akashvani Bhopal
This year we are celebrating Navratri with women empowerment. Unlike Maa Durga they do not have several hands and powers, but still work efficiently in each and every field they are assigned. Let us...
View ArticleObituary: Smt Durgabhaskar (73), Retired Station Director of AIR, Hyderabad...
Smt. Durgabhaskar, former Station Director of All India Radio, Hyderabad took last breath after illness. She had retired in 2006. She was 73 years of age. Smt. Durgabhaskar joined this Department as...
View ArticleNavratri - Celebrating Women Power of PB - Akashvani Shillong
This year we are celebrating Navratri with women empowerment. Unlike Maa Durga they do not have several hands and powers, but still work efficiently in each and every field they are assigned. Let us...
View ArticleNavratri - Celebrating Women Power of - Akashvani Bengaluru
All India Radio Bengaluru celebrating Navaratri festival with women empowerment. Durga Puja is one of the most important festivals of 'Shakti workship', wherin the female goddess is worshipped in...
View ArticleAlways be nice to others !
Being nice is often easier said than done. Getting through the day can be hard enough without having to go out of your way to smile at strangers and say "please" and "thank you." So why do it? Being...
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