DD Kisan Mahila Award by DD Jharkhand
Handing Over DD Kisan Mahila Award consent letter to Smt Rita Devi, Dundigachi, Jharkhand. It was really a great moment for her as well as me... Congratulated her for this achievement... Contributed By...
View ArticleMile Sur Mera Tumhara : ( Group Collaboration of 18 Singers )
This is a humble tribute to the great nation of India on the eve of its 69th independence day (2016). It is a collaboration by 18 singers across the globe using the Smule Sing! Karaoke App on the...
View ArticleObituary : P.K. Singh (50) one of the most vibrant IBES Officer expires
Shri Praveen Kumar Singh, one of the most social and vibrant IBES officer left his body today, i.e, 15-08-2018 at 2.00 am leaving behind thousands of friends and well wishers who were constantly...
View ArticleIndependence day celebration at AIR Bangalore
All India Radio Bengaluru celebrated 72nd Independence day at AIR campus. Sri. A. Hanumanthu, DDG(E)/HOO hosted Indian flag at 8.30am and said it was not so easy for the India to get freedom from the...
View ArticleIndependence day celebrations at AIR Patna
Independence Day,2018 celebration at AIR,PatnaContributed by :- Shri. Rajiw Shrivastavarajshrivas@gmail.com
View ArticleIndependence Day celebrations in DDK Kolkata
72nd Independence Day is celebrated with partiparticipation of staff of all the departments of DDK Kolkata. The flag hoisted by Sri B.K.Das DDG(E). Contributed by :- Shri. Utpal Moitra, Cameraman...
View ArticleIndependence Day Celebrations at HPT Bambolim,GOA
On the occasion of 72nd Independence Day, Flag hoisted by Shri. C.K.Omprakash, DDG(E) with the presence of staff members and were greeted each others.Contributed by :- Shri. C P Harikumar. HPT...
View Article72nd Independence Day celebrated at AIR Diphu
The 72nd Independance Day are being celebrating with a great Spirit & Enthusiasm in the office of AIR Diphu Karbi-Apdanglong Assam. The National flag was Unfurled by Assistant Engineer & H.O.O....
View Article72nd Independence Day celebrated at AIR Madikeri
AIR Madikeri celebrated 72nd Independence Day. S Subramanya, Program Executive hoisted the tricolor flag. All staff attended this auspicious event.Contributed by :-AIR MADIKERI radiomadikeri@gmail.com
View ArticleIndependence Day celebration at AIR Thrissur
Independence Day Flag hosting at AIR Thrissur at 8 am today by Sri Pradeep C Kumar(HOO)Contributed by:-Vamanan Namboothiricheppadvamanan@gmail.com
View Articleआकाशवाणी रामपुर में हर्षोल्लास के साथ मनाया गया स्वतन्त्रता दिवस
पावन होली की कसम तुम्हें, उस पाक ईद की कसम तुम्हेहै भगत सिंह की कसम तुम्हें, अब्दुल हमीद की कसम तुम्हे निश्वय कर लो अब व्यर्थ नहीं, भाई का खून बहाऐगेंआपस के बैर भुला कर के, मां के सपूत कहलाऐंगेइस...
Shri.V.Sivaramakrishnan, AE,HOE Hoisted the National Flag in view of 72nd Independence day celebration at AIR, Ooty All staff members participated.Contributed by:-AIR Ooty airooty@rediffmail.com
View Articleआकाशवाणी वडोदरा मे 72वा स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह
आकाशवाणी वडोदरा मे 72वा स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह उत्साह और उल्लास के साथ मनाया गया । ध्वज कार्यालय प्रमुख श्रीमती मीनाक्षी सिंघवी द्वारा फहराया गया । इस अवसर पर सभी कर्मचारी एवं अधिकारी...
View Article72 Independence Day celebrated in NABM Bhubaneswar.
72nd Independence day was celebrated in NABM Bhubaneswar with great enthusiasm. At 8:00 a.m. Shri. P.K. Pati, Deputy Director General (E) hoisted the National Flag. Then National Anthem was rendered....
View Articleआकाशवाणी इंदौर केंद्र ने ७२ वाँ स्वतंत्रता दिवस हर्ष -उल्लास के साथ मनाया।
आकाशवाणी इंदौर केंद्र मालवा हाऊस पर आज ७२ वाँ स्वतंत्रता दिवस सभी स्टाफ़ साथियों ने हर्ष -उल्लास के साथ मनाया। ध्वजारोहण कार्यालय प्रमुख व उप महानिदेशक अभि. श्री पी सेतुमाधवन जी ने किया ,इस अवसर पर...
View ArticleFlag Hoisting Ceremony at AIR Kolhapur
15 अगस्त 2018, 72 वा भारतीय स्वतंत्रता दिन आकाशवाणी कोल्हापुरमे बड़े हर्षोल्लासके साथ मनाया गया ।सुबह 8:30 बजे श्रीमती तनुजा कानडे, सहायकनिदेशक (का) इनके करकमलोंद्वारा ध्वजारोहन समारोह संपन्न हुआ। इस...
View ArticleLive coverage of Independence day
AIR team involved in LIVE coverage of 72 Independence day From Netaji Stadium Port Blair. Contributed by :- Shri. P.S Saighal pssaighal@gmail.com
View Articleआकाशवाणी, जोधपुर केन्द्र पर स्वतन्त्रता दिवस-2018 समारोह के साथ-साथ विविध...
आकाशवाणी, जोधपुर केन्द्र पर स्वतन्त्रता दिवस-2018 समारोह के साथ-साथ विविध भारती चैनल एफ.एम. सन सिटी का स्थापना दिवस भी पूरे उत्साह और उमंग के साथ मनाया गया। विविध भारती चैनल की स्थापना को आज 52 वर्ष...
View Article72nd Independence Day celebrated at Doordarshan HPT Jodhpur
Flag hoisting is done by Head of office shri S K kewliya ji at Doordarshan HPT Jodhpur Contributed by :-Shri. Yogesh sagar, DDHPT Jodhpur sagar.ganpat@gmail.com
The DDG (E) All India Radio Kargil B Jaya Prakash hoisted the National Flag at All India Radio Kargil Headquarters at Baroo during an impressive function in which hundreds of Children from Adjoining...
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