DD Bangla Foundation Day Today
DD Bangla celebrates it's 44 th Foundation Day today. On this occassion Prasar Bharati Parivar congratulates the present and past employees of all wings - Programme, Engineeering, News and...
View ArticleInspiration - Creating Positive Life Transformations.
Uma Panchapakesan is arguably one of the most talented women in her cohort who has positively disrupted the status quo. She is a multi-award winner for her distinguished achievements and remarkable...
View ArticleOpening Ceremony of Radio Series "Lakshya Hamara" by AIR Nazibabad
Some Glimpse of the opening Ceremony of "Lakshya Hamara" A 52 Episodes radio series by district administration Bijnor & presented by AIR Najibabad Source : आकाशवाणी नजीबाबाद
View ArticleSpecial Theme Music Concert by AIR Mumbai on 13th August
Zero expenditure concert being organized by AIR Mumbai on 13th August in connection with Independence Day. It is complete in-house production with extremely talented officers and staff artists of music...
View Articleआकाशवाणी रांची के प्रादेशिक समाचार एकांश प्रमुख श्री नीरज नाथ पाठक 31 जुलाई...
आकाशवाणी रांची के प्रादेशिक समाचार एकांश प्रमुख श्री नीरज नाथ पाठक 31 जुलाई को सेवानिवृत्त हो गए। आपके साथ 13 वर्षों तक काम करने का सुअवसर मुझे मिला। एक सच्चे मार्गदर्शक और अभिभावक के साथ काम करने की...
View ArticleMayank Agrawal appointed Director General Doordarshan News
Heartiest congratulations to Shri Mayank Agrawal on his appointment as Director General Doordarshan News . Shri Mayank Agarwal, an officer of Indian Information Service and an alumni of Allahbad...
View ArticleInspiration -डॉ. आरोग्यस्वामी वेलुमणि - Thyrocare एक सफल कंपनी .
डॉ. आरोग्यस्वामी वेलुमणि का जन्म 1959 को तमिलनाडु के कोयंबटूर जिले में एक गांव में हुआ था। उनके पिता एक भूमिहिन किसान थे जो मजदूरी करके अपने घर का गुजारा चलाते थे। वेलुमणि के परिवार के उनके अलावा 4 भाई...
View ArticleAIR MADIKERI:Interview with winners of Offroading Rain Forest Challenge...
Interview with Jagat Nanjappa and Chethan Changappa,Offroading Rain Forest Challenge National level winners 2018 ,Interview by Digvijay.B You can listen this programme at 12th August and 19th Sunday...
View ArticleAIR NEWS(ALL INDIA RADIO) :APP available on android phone
Get the latest news, national as well as regional from PrasarBharati.You can listen live radio Vividh Bharati,FM GOLD,FM RAINBOW,URDU SERVICE,RAGAM and all regional languages. Go to Googleplay ,enter...
View ArticleInspiration - 23 साल का यह युवक कभी बेचता था सिम कार्ड, अाज है करोड़ों की...
23 वर्षीय रितेश अग्रवाल की सफलता की कहानी सुनने में किसी फिल्मी स्टोरी की तरह ही लगती है। किशोर रितेश ने जब स्कूली शिक्षा पूरी करने के बाद कॉलेज की पढ़ाई से इंकार किया तब शायद ही किसी ने सोचा होगा...
View ArticleOur Bright Children : Nutan,D/O Sunil Gangapure SEA, AIR Pune.
Nutan Gangapure,daughter of Sunil Gangapure who is working as Sr Engg Asst at AIR Pune,went to America to study M.S.in electrical ans electronics engg.,from Universityand of Michigan-Dearborn,...
View Articleदूरदर्शन रिक्रियेशन क्लब भोपाल द्वारा ह्रदय परीक्षण शिविर काआयोजन
दूरदर्शन केन्द्र भोपाल के रिक्रियेशन क्लब द्वारा चिरायु अस्पताल के सहयोग से ह्दय परीक्षण शिविर 10 अगस्त 18 को आयैजित किया गया इसमें 149 अधिकारियों और क्रमचारियों ने बीपी, शुगर, ईसीजी और कलर डाफलर...
View ArticleInspiration - The Girl Who Had Been Picked Up from A Garbage Pile, succeeded...
When life is changing, no one knows anything. Life goes on in a pile of litter, and it starts flying in the sky. We human being are so unique but in hatred and other things we spoil our own life. But...
View ArticleDoordarshan Kendra Allahabad celebrated 20th foundation day of studio
Source:Facebook, Santosh Kumar Srivastava,DDK Allahabad
View ArticleSwachchha Bharat Abhiyan :Painting competition organised by Akashvani Gorakhpur
Some of the posters from competition organized by Akashwani Gorakhpur.Source:Facebook,Anamika Dubey,PEX ,All India Radio Gorakhpur
View Articleआकाशवाणी इन्दौर ने की मालवी संस्कार गीत रेकार्डिंग...
आकाशवाणी इन्दौर द्वारा संस्कार गीत प्रोजेक्ट के तहत शुक्रवार को ग्राम आकासोदा में मालवी अंचल के संस्कार गीतों की रेकार्डिैंग की ।इस रेकार्डिंग के दौरान बड़ी संख्या में महिलाओं ने अपनी लोक गायन परम्परा...
NameRAM AVTAR BANDHEYCity of residenceDesignationPhoneHow can you contributeNameDONGARGARH Existing Employee 9301383695 Inform others to join M SOMESWARA RAOCity of...
View ArticleInspiration:IPS Officer’s Brilliant Initiatives Changed the Face of Women...
Drug abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence—these are three crimes that most people are too scared to report, and the ones that have the most far-reaching effects. Imagine being scared all the time...
View ArticleHappy Independence Day!
Let's salute the martyrs for the sacrifices they made and thank them for giving us our today. Happy Independence Day!
View ArticleHon. MIB Live from AIR Jaipur FM
On 14th August 2018, Hon.Union Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs and I&B Col. Rajyawardhan Singh Rathore was live from All India Radio Jaipur on 101.2 FM..Source : Rajender Singh Dara.
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