Obituary:आकाशवाणी गोरखपुर के आकस्मिक उदघोषक जनाब वकील अहमद ख़ान का निधन ।
आकाशवाणी गोरखपुर के वरिष्ठ नाटक कलाकार और पूर्व में आकस्मिक उदघोषक रह चुके जनाब वकील अहमद ख़ान का गत 16मई को आकस्मिक निधन हो गया ।वे पेशे से दवा वितरण की एक मल्टी नेशनल कम्पनी में उच्च पद पर कार्यरत...
View ArticleRonnie Pereira ,Sr Tech office of ADG (WZ),bereaved.
Smt. Laila Pereira, W/o Ronnie Pereira, Sr Tech Office of ADG (WZ) Mumbai ,left for heavenly abode yesterday i.e. 19th May 2020.She was expired due to brain hemorrhage.Prasar Bharati parivar deeply...
View ArticlePM to share his thoughts in 'Mann Ki Baat' programme on All India Radio on...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will share his thoughts with the people in the country and abroad in his 'Mann Ki Baat' programme on All India Radio on 31st of this month. It will be the 65th episode of...
View Articleगीत - 'आशा के दीप जलाएंगे' (कोरोना योद्धाओं) को समर्पित
हमारे कोरोना योद्धाओं को समर्पित यह छोटी-सी फिल्म पुनः आपकी सेवा में प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूं । प्रथम बार इस अभियान में हमारे कुछ साथी -कलाकार छूट गए थे । वो देर से शामिल हुए क्योंकि उनका ऑडियो- वीडियो हमें...
View ArticleAIR Mysore along with a listeners club of AIR Mysore distributed grocery kits...
On Monday the 18th May 2020, AIR Mysore along with the Samudyata Shrotru Balaga, a listeners club of AIR Mysore distributed grocery kits to the needy people during this KOVID 19 at the premises of AIR,...
View Articleभावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि : Remembering (Late) Shri P.G.Hingnikar, former EE(C)...
Shri P.G. Hignikar, Executive Engineer, CCW Bhopal had passed away on 21st May 2016, four years back in a road accident. He was born on 10th May 1959. He is survived by his wife and two sons.Prasar...
View Articleभावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि : Remembering (Late) Smt Shakuntala Sharma, former...
Smt. Shakuntala Sharma, Librarian, Akashvani Dibrugarh had expired on 21st May 2019, one year back.Smt. Shakuntala Sharma started her career in All India Radio, Dibrugarh as LIA in 1987. During the 32...
View Article'आतंकवाद विरोधी दिवस'पर आकाशवाणी नागपुर में निर्देशित शपथ
गुरूवार,दिनांक 21मई 2020 को 'आतंकवाद विरोधी दिवस'पर आकाशवाणी नागपुर के सहायक निदेशक कार्यक्रम/ कार्यक्रम प्रमुख द्वारा उपस्थित कार्यक्रम अधिकारियों- कर्मचारियों को अपने कक्ष में निर्देशित शपथ दिलवाई...
View Articleआकाशवाणी नागपुर के कार्यक्रम विंग द्वारा आवश्यक स्थल पर विधिवत सेनेटाईज़िंग
महानिदेशालय आकाशवाणी, नई दिल्ली और प्रसार भारती बोर्ड द्वारा समय-समय पर दिए गए निर्देशों अनुसार आकाशवाणी नागपुर के कार्यक्रम विंग द्वारा एमटीएस की मदद से हर दो -तीन घण्टे में आवश्यक कुर्सियों के हत्थे,...
View ArticleOur Bright Children : Akshay S/o Nilesh Ghatole, Technician AIR Pune develops...
Akshay Ghatole S/o Nilesh Ghatole, Technician AIR Pune along with one of his friend has developed foot operated sanitizer dispenser. This dispenser is quite sturdy. It does not need electricity and is...
View Article"Father of Radio Ceylon" Shri Gopal Sharma Ji is no longer in this world
"Father of Radio Ceylon" Shri Gopal Sharma Ji is no longer in this world. He passed away in Mumbai yesterday.The broadcast is taken with great respect to Gopal Sharmaji in the world. I remember a few...
View ArticleAIR Indore celebrated its 65th Foundation Day on 22nd May.
Akashvani Indore is celebratedts 65th foundation day on 22nd May. From 22 May 1955 till today, the Radio Indore has been doing a long journey and has played the religion of lōkaprasāraka. Hearty...
View ArticleHimanshu Kumar, SEA DDK Patna is no more
Shri Himanshu Kumar, Sr.Engineering Assistant, Doordarshan Kendra, Patna expired on 22-05-2020.Himanshu joined the department on 07-11-1989 as EA. He was very dedicated employee and have good sense of...
View ArticleCoronaWarrior: 61-Y0 Mumbai Woman Stitches 400 Masks in 48 Hours For Our Safety
“Ever since the spike in COVID-19 cases in Maharashtra, there have been strict rules of wearing masks for anybody out in public places. In fact, they say that you should wear masks even while...
View ArticleEid Mubarak to all our family members
Prasar Bharati Parivar wishes all its members Eid Mubarak and prays to Allah to shower his blessings on all of us.
View ArticleGovt proposes to raise airtime for advertisements on Community Radio to 12...
Information and Broadcasting Minister, Prakash Javadekar today said that government is eager to raise air time for advertisements to 12 minutes from 7 minutes per hour on Community Radio Stations to...
View ArticleInspiration:Sushil feed hundreds of daily wagers in Ghaziabad during lockdown
My name is Sushil Meena and I am the founder and president of Nirbhed Foundation. By profession, I am a Senior section engineer in Indian Railway posted at New Delhi and I belong to Ghaziabad district...
View ArticleInspiration: In Tribute: Bengaluru’s Beloved ‘RJ-Auto Driver’, Who Donated...
If you ever tuned into Radio Active, Bengaluru, during your long commutes, you were sure to catch Radio Jockey (RJ) Shivakumar hosting a unique show, in which he would go around the city, interviewing...
View Articleभावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि : Remembering (Late) Shri Bapan Medhi, former PEX DDK...
Bapan Medhi, PEX, Doordarshan Guwahati had expired after a brief illness on 27th May 2018, two years back. Born on 30 December 1960, Shri Bapan Medhi had his education at MC college Barpeta and Barpeta...
NameCHANDRASHEKHAR S KHONDCity of residenceDesignationPhoneHow can you contributeNameAKOLAB high grade Tabla artist9529627012Inform others to join डॉ,रूपचन्द्र शास्त्री 'मयंक'City of residenceखटीमा...
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