They stay at work to make you safely stay at home - AIR Indore technical...
आकाशवाणी इन्दौर HPT मे तकनीकी अधिकारी/कर्मचारी आज दिनांक 27-03-2020 को ड्यूटी पर तैनात है । श्री अरुण कुमार जोशी , सहायक अभियंता एवं श्री राजेश जैन, अभियांत्रिकी सहायक । इनके साथ साथ इनके परिवार के...
View ArticleDD National and DD Bharti availablity on DTH and Cable network
Contributed by:Prabhakar Varshney,DDK Ahmedabad.
View Articleलॉक डाउन के समय विविध भारती मनोरंजन का एक बड़ा जरिया
लॉक डाउन के समय में विविध भारती के आसपास रहने वाले साथी मुस्तैदी के साथ कार्यालय में उपस्थित हैं और अपनी जिम्मेदारियों का निर्वहन कर रहे हैं। ये एक ऐसा समय है जब बहुत सारे स्थानीय आकाशवाणी केंद्र विविध...
View ArticleUnder lock down condition Engineering staffs with some news staffs of AIR...
Under lock down condition in the state of West Bengal, we the Engineering staffs with some news staffs of AIR Kolkata are working 24 X 7 for maintaining transmission all the RADIO channels ( AIR...
View ArticleAIR Khandwa : कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण के खतरों के बीच आकाशवाणी खंडवा में केवल...
कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण के खतरों के बीच आकाशवाणी खंडवा में केवल चार अभियंताओं के साथ विविध भारती भोपाल से प्रसारण जारी है । अभियंत्रिकी प्रमुख श्री एसके श्रीवास्तव, ए डी ई के निर्देशन में श्री मनोज सातले,...
View Articleआकाशवाणी भोपाल के समाचार भी 'वर्क फ्रॉम होम'तरीके से - Maintaining the...
News reader reading News from Home and control room team broadcasting the bulletinEditor prepares script at Home and sends via netआकाशवाणी भोपाल से आज से समाचारों का प्रसारण 'वर्क फ्रॉम होम'तरीके से...
View ArticleZero hand touch wash basin invented by Ladakh Scouts
Necessity is the mother of inventionLadakh Scouts designed a zero hand touch wash basin with water&soap dispenser, for their routine usage.#SocialDistance #IndiaFightsCorona #StayHomeIndia...
View ArticleAIR Gwalior : Staff on duty - भारी ओलावृष्टि और बरसात के मद्देनजर preventive...
29th March को माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी के कार्यक्रम मन की बात का प्रसारण किया जाना है. यहां ग्वालियर अंचल में भारी ओलावृष्टि और बरसात हुई है, इसके मद्देनजर preventive maintenance करना जरूरी था. इस...
View ArticleImportant take away points of HMIB to deal with isolation
Important take away points of HMIB audio bridge conf on 26 Mar:How to deal with isolation:Call family /friends/ relatives whom you have not been able to meet/ visit/ talk.Help in household work.Stay...
View Articleभावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि : Remembering (Late) Shri A.K. Shrivastava, former EA...
Shri A.K. Shrivastava, EA, DDK Patna had expired on 29-03-2017, three years back. He is survived by his wife and a son.Any Parivar members who wishes to talk or to contact his family members can...
View Articleभावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि : Remembering (Late) Shri R.D.Dindor, former EA LPT...
Shri R D Dindor, Engg Asst at LPT Devgad(DMC Baroda,Gujrat) had expired on 29-03-2018, two years back. He was 56 years old at that time. Shri Dindor had nicely handled the charge of Devgadbaria LPTV,...
View ArticleObituary:Eddie Kharmalki, Helper ,AIR Shillong is no more.
Eddie Kharmalki, Helper , AIR Shillong (NES) passed away today morning at 2.00 am.It's been for few months that he was under treatment for cancer. He joined AIR Shillong in 1989. Any Parivar members...
View ArticleVBS AIR Mumbai - विविध भारती का समाचार एवं महत्वपूर्ण प्रसारण समेत 24 घंटे का...
लॉक डाउन के समय में विविध भारती के आसपास रहने वाले साथी मुस्तैदी के साथ कार्यालय में उपस्थित हैं और अपनी जिम्मेदारियों का निर्वहन कर रहे हैं। ये एक ऐसा समय है जब बहुत सारे स्थानीय आकाशवाणी केंद्र विविध...
View ArticleObituary : Sri Duggirala Purnayya, Celebrity Former Telugu News Reader is no...
Very sad to share news of demise of our celebrity news reader of AIR, Sri Duggirala Purnayya is no more. This sad event has happened at Angaluru near Gudivada this afternoon. He was very popular those...
View ArticleAIR Nagpur - Staff on 24 hour duty
लॉक डाउन के समय 24 घण्टे देश सेवा में लगे हुए आकाशवाणी नागपुर के इंजीनियर्स, कार्यक्रम अधिकारी और ड्यूटी आफिसर्स।During this period of crisis, just like doctors, police staff and cleanliness crew our...
View ArticleStaff of DD Hyderabad performing their duty despite the difficult times...
Staff of DD Hyderabad are performing their duties for the entertainment of our viewers , despite the difficult times during lock down.During this period of crisis, just like doctors, police staff and...
View ArticleCall for Elder Brothers & Sisters of PB Parivar ( Retired Friends)
Please share on FB, Whatsapp so that it reaches maximum retired friends. They have lots to tell us and Guide....
View ArticlePositive use of time at Home - online courses open to all industry...
Dear All, During this lock down, Tata Steel is offering online courses open to all industry professionals. These are the following courses they are offering for Rs 1/-.We need to login to...
View ArticleAIR/DDK/HPT Rajkot staff on duty
HPT Rajkot staff on dutyAdmin staff on duty for closing and pay related work at DDK Rajkot
View ArticleHPT Doordarshan Banda -staff on duty
HPT Doordarshan Banda Transmission going on air in this critical position by dedicated staff members sri Bineet k Gupta, Sajal K Rander, Mouji Lal and Anil Kumar Gupta. During this period of crisis,...
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