Obituary - Shri. Hali Ram Burman, SEA, AIR Guwahati is no more.
Shri. Hali Ram Burman, SEA, AIR Guwahati is no more. He passed away on 30th March 2020 due to kidney infection after prolonged illness. He was under treatment in Namecare Hospital. Shri Burman was a...
View ArticleAll india radio Jaipur :staff on duty.
All india radio Jaipur Engineering staff,doing duty, maintaining proper distance and cleanliness.The staff of Account section of All India Radio, Jaipur is completing the important tasks at the end of...
View ArticleAIR Kurseong:staff on duty
In the situation of shortage of staff at the station and maintaining the lockdown guidance, Shri S.k. gurung performing shift duty at AIR Kurseong.
View Articleआकाशवाणी. इन्दौर मे लेखा एवं प्रशासनिक अनुभाग के कर्मचारियों की उपस्थिति
आकाशवाणी. इन्दौर मे लेखा एवं प्रशासनिक अनुभाग के कर्मचारियों की उपस्थिति जिसमे श्री राजेश,PEX, { DDO} ,श्री राजेन्द्र गरोठिया UDC( Account ) ,श्रीमती अर्पणा मुगी , UDC ,श्रीमती साधना व्यास UDC ,...
View ArticleAIR Mumbai : Staff on duty
Akashvani, Mumbai Admin and Accounts section personnel working in the office. Accountant Shri D.P. Shinde, UDC Shri Vinayak Keluskar, LDC Smt. Ashwini Topale, Shri Ashok Vaje.Source : S.S. Kadam, UDC
Amids the current crisis of COVID 19 when everybody is in home , our brave technical staff is stepping out for broadcasting so that all the necessary information should go to the people. Media is...
View ArticleHelping the Needy : Starving people getting help from Police through AIR...
A group of 14 migrant labourers from Uttarakhand living in Hyderabad,who have been starving for the last three days due to the lockdown, received help from the Narsingi police through All INDIA RADIO ,...
View Articleआकाशवाणी राजकोट का तकनीकी विभाग लॉक डाउन के समय में ज़िम्मेदारी निर्वाह कर रहा...
आकाशवाणी राजकोट का तकनीकी विभाग लॉक डाउन के समय में अपना प्रसारण प्रायमरी चेनल और विविध भारती चेनल को प्रसारित करने कि ज़िम्मेदारी निर्वाह कर रहा है| आकाशवाणी राजकोट के उप महा निदेशक रमेशचंद्र अहिरवार...
View ArticleKishor Rahate, SEA AIR Nagpur, retires today
Sh Kishor Rahate Sr Engg Asst AIR Nagpur retires today on super annuation . He served at AIR Rajkot, AIR Chandrapur,AIR Nagpur. He was very active at office and he worked for welfare of employees on...
View ArticleLPTs/HPT under Rajkot:Staff on duty
Staff on duty in such a lockdown condition with proper precautions available at various LPTs/HPT under Rajkot. Surendranagar, Dhanghdhra, Jamnagar, Jamkhambhaliya, Porbandar,Veraval, Jamjodhour, Rapar...
View ArticleS S Jaffania AE DDK Hyderabad retires today
S S Jaffania Asst Engineer DDK Hyderabad retires today on super annuation .PB Parivar wishes him happy and healthy retired life.Source:UmeshChandra Delhi
View ArticleObituary : NK Kadri (56) PEX AIR Madikeri expires
Shri Naveen Kumar Kadri, Programme Executive Akashvani Madikeri expired last night after a brief illness. He was just 56. He had earler served at AIR Manglore, AIR Bijapur. He had joined the Department...
View ArticleDedicated AIR staff braves land slides, remove obstacles from road & march...
Dedicated AIR staff braves land slides, remove trees from road and march ahead to maintain FM transmitter situated at distant Sinhgad Fort at Pune.Sharad Desai AE, Sandeep Biwalkar, EA and MM Shaikh,...
View ArticleKN Pushpadasan , Assistant Director(E) All India Radio Calicut retires today
KN Pushpadasan , Assistant Director(E), All India Radio Calicut retires today. Prasar Bharati Parivar extends it's choicest best wishes to him for a peaceful, healthy and contended retired life.
View ArticleShri Rajat Bose Deputy Director General(E), Doordashan Kolkata retires today
Shri Rajat Bose , Deputy Director General(E), Doordashan Kolkata retires today. He is considered as one of the finest IBES officer and effective Manager. Prasar Bharati Parivar extends it's choicest...
View ArticleShri LK Pradhan Additional Director General(E,P & A) (East Zone) AIR &...
Shri LK Pradhan , Additional Director General, (East) AIR & Doordashan, Kolkata retires today. He was incharge of Engineering, Programme and Administration of All India Radio and Doordarshan...
View ArticleShri Satyapal , Deputy Director(E), O/o ADG(E) NZ AIR & DD, Delhi retires today
Shri Satyapal , Deputy Director(E), O/o ADG(E) NZ AIR & DD, Delhi retires today. He is considered as one of the finest technical man in whole north zone. Prasar Bharati Parivar extends it's...
View ArticleSmt. Nandita Majumdar, Production Assistant , DDK, Bhubaneswar retires from...
Smt. Nandita Majumdar, Production Assistant , DDK, Bhubaneswar retires from Government Service on superannuation w.e.f. 31.03.2020.She Joined as a Production Assistant on 27.09.2004 at DDK,...
View ArticleSri Ramachandra Kissan,EA, DDK, Sambalpur retires on superannuation on...
Sri Ramachandra Kissan, Engineering Assistant, DDK, Sambalpur retires on superannuation on 31.03.2020. Shri Kissan had joined as Technician at Doordarshan Kendra,Sambalpur.During his service carrier...
View ArticleShri Tapan Kumar Pati, EA , DDK, Bhubaneswar retires from Government Service...
Shri Tapan Kumar Pati, EA , DDK, Bhubaneswar retires from Government Service on superannuation w.e.f. 31.03.2020.After completion of 20 years of regular engagement in the Indian Air Force ,Shri Tapan...
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