Shri G S Singh, UDC AIR Gorakhpur retires on 31.05.2020.
Shri G S Singh, UDC AIR Gorakhpur is retiring on 31.05.2020. He has served more than 28 years. He started his service by Joining as LDC at DDK Bareilly, UP on 24-07-1992 till 31-01-1996. Then at DDK...
View ArticleAbdul Salam Bhat Tech. DDK Srinagar retires on 31st May, 2020 on superannuation.
Sh.Abdul Salam Bhat. Technician retires from his services on 31/ 05 /2020. He was very humble and sober. Worked in office with full dedication. All staff of DDK Srinagar wish him good health, happiness...
View ArticleSri Jayakumar C Menon (UDC) is retiring on superannuation from AIR Thrissur...
Sri Jayakumar C Menon (UDC) is retiring on superannuation from AIR Thrissur on 31st May 2020 after 37 years of service in AIR and Dooradarsan. He joined in AIR Vadodara on 01.02.1983 as CG II. He...
View Articleआकाशवाणी नागपुर में सेनेटाइज़िंग की बढती आवृत्तियां
कार्यक्रम प्रमुख, डा. ऋषु के प्रयास से आकाशवाणी नागपुर में सेनेटाइज़िंग की बढती आवृत्तियां।गुरूवार, दिनांक 28.05.2020 को कार्यालय का एक परिदृश्य।प्रेषक :- श्री. सचिन लाडोले
View ArticleSuperannuation of Shri. Pandurang Kamble. MTS Messenger DMC Kolhapur
Shri Pandurang S. Kamble, MTS Messenger of DMC KOLHAPUR retired on superannuation from 31/5/2020. As 29/5/2020 was last working day for him, he was given a warm farewell by staff members of DD and AIR...
View Articleआकाशवाणी जोधपुर के वरिष्ठ उद्घघोषक श्री गोविंद त्रिवेदी सेवा निवृत्त
पश्चिमी राजस्थान के सभी जि़ले जैसलमेर, बाड़मेर, पाली, जालोर, सिरोही, नागौर, बीकानेर और जोधपुर में अगर किसी भी रेडियो रसिक से पूछ लिया जाए कि आकाशवाणी जोधपुर के किस किरदार की प्रस्तुति उसे पसंद है ? तो...
View ArticleShri Ravi Kumar Jain, Engineering Assistant , Doordarshan Relay Centre,...
Shri Ravi Kumar Jain, Engineering Assistant , Doordarshan Relay Centre, Narsinghpur Under HPT Jabalpur is retiring after rendering 35 years of Government Service on superannuation w.e.f. 31-05-2020. He...
View ArticleDoordarshan Bhubaneswar Recreation Club conducted a farewell meeting of seven...
Doordarshan Bhubaneswar Recreation Club conducted a farewell meeting of seven members for three months March,April,May 2020 on 29. 05.2020 5 pm (Friday) observing social distancing, sanitization due to...
View ArticleSh. Pradeep Kumar Rawat ,AE, LPT Pauri retires on Superannuation on 31/05/2020
Sh Rawat had joined LPT Pauri as EA at DMC Bareilly on 29/05/2020.After Pramotion as SEA Transferred to LPT Kashipur , joined their on Feb. 1991 again transfered to LPT Kotdwara and joined their on...
View ArticleShri Pradeep Kumar Rawat, AE DDK Haridwar retired on 31-05-2020
Shri Pradeep Kumar Rawat Assistant Engineer Doordarshan Escort Centre, Haridwar retired on 31th may 2020. A subtle farewell ceremony was held at Doordarshan Kendra Dehradun in honor of Mr. Rawat on...
View Articleभावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि : Remembering (Late) Shri Ramchandra Rao, former ADP DDK...
Shri Ramachandra Rao , ADP DDK Hyderabad had expired on 29.05.2017, three years back, due to massive heart attack .He had served our organisation for three decades. He is survived by two sons who are...
View ArticleAddress by Shri. Rajesh M Barai DDE , AIR Balaghat on superannuation
I am retiring today on superannuation after long journey of 37 years in AIR & DD. In this journey I always got full support from my senior officers, subordinate staff & colleagues. The essence...
View ArticleShri Mohammed Husain Abdulla Pate. Engg.Asstt. LPT Chiplun,retired on...
Shri Mohammed Husain Abdulla Pate. Engg.Asstt. LPT Chiplun under DMC Kolhapur, retired on superannuation from 31/5/2020.He joined service as Technician in 1986 at AIR Ratnagiri. During his 34 years of...
View ArticlePBNS creates Informarcial on Aarogya Setu App
All officers must ensure that Arogya Setu App is installed with Bluetooth ON in everyone's mobile handset while entering the office premises.This is going to be extremely helpful to all the officers to...
View ArticleAddress by Shri. B.Sudhakaran, DE, DDK, Kozhikode on superannuation
Dear friends, My 35.5 years of journey with AIR & Doordarshan is coming to an end on 31.05.2020 AN. This fantastic voyage of mine started in the year 1984 from All India Radio, then Calicut present...
View ArticleShree Devusinh Chauhan (M.P) Lok Sabha visited his Parental Station AIR, Bhuj..
Shree Devusinh Chauhan (M.P) Lok Sabha of Kheda (Gujarat) constituency (2 Time) has visited his parental station Air, Bhuj. He served as EA for around 5 years at Air, Bhuj. He was in charge of RC at...
View ArticleGround report: DD Bihar providing online education facility to students
Source and Credit :- Shri. Yijoy Kumar's Whatsaap
View ArticleHow community radios are helping fight Covid-19
It is a sweltering afternoon and Imran Khan has just started another episode of ‘Corona Se Jang, Radio Mewat Ke Sang’, a live programme, in his thick Mewati accent. “You are listening to Radio Mewat...
View ArticleAyush Ministry has launched an international video blog competition 'My Life,...
आपके जीवन में योग को बढ़ाने के लिए आयुष मंत्रालय ने भी इस बार एक अनोखा प्रयोग किया है | आयुष मंत्रालय ने 'My Life, My Yoga नाम से अंतर्राष्ट्रीय Video Blog उसकी प्रतियोगिता शुरू की है भारत ही नहीं,...
View ArticleThe ethereal couple Priyanke (D/o B.D.Sonbarse) and Sumeet tied the knot in...
On 31st May 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Chi. Sau. Kan. Priyanka daughter of Shri. B.D.Sonbarse (UDC, HPT AIR Malad, Mumbai) & Mrs. Sonbarse, got married with Shri. Sumeet son of Shri. & Smt. Kanoje. Due...
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