The theme for International Women's days this year, "Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for change. This year All India Radio Bengaluru celebrated International women day 2019 at their campus new innovative way with competition to the women staff members.
Programme started with Vishwanath Nakod prayer. Smt. Sumangala Mummigatti explained important of International women's day in her introductory speech and Shashikant Mummigatti said now a days mens mindset has been changed.
A. Hanumanthu, DDG(E)/HOO said the theme will focus on innovative ways in which we can advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, particularly in the areas of social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure in his presidential address.
The achievement of the ambitious sustainable development goals requires transformative shifts, integrated approaches and new solutions, particularly when it comes to advancing gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls said Dr. D. Padmavathy in her Chief Guest address
Innovation and technology provide unprecedented opportunities, yet trends indicate a growing gender digital divide and women are under-represented in the field of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and design. It prevents them from developing and influencing gender-responsive innovations to achieve transformative gains for society said Anil Kumar Mangalagi, DDG(E)/HOO, CRD of Bengaluru in his Chief Guest address.

We are in the mindset of a movement. Women are marching, campaigning, making change and moving forwards with new technology said G. K. Raveendrakumar, HOP of AIR Bengaluru in his Chief Guest address.
T.B. Nanjundaswamy, DD(News), Anandkumar, CCW AE were presided over the function. N. Raghu, AD(P) wished the function.
Pick and speak competition organised during this occasion. Winners was awarded with cash prize. Lunch was arranged after the function.
Contribution: K. Ashok, PEX, CRD, AIR&DD, Bengaluru-560 001. Mob: 9449259218