AIR Kerala stations’ musical tribute to SwathyThirunal
The long and unprecedented lock down and related issues has not dampened the spirits of listeners of AIR in the state as well as abroad, as the stations have kept to AIR’s tradition of keeping head...
View ArticleA trip down memory lane with the voice of Indian radio cricket commentary -...
Dr. Narottam Puri picks an India-Australia contest from the 1980-81 series Down Under as his memorable moment - SUSHIL KUMAR VERMAQ) Can you pick one batsman and one bowler you enjoyed describing the...
View ArticleWhere No Newspaper Can Go: Community Radio in Odisha Is Bridging the COVID-19...
Tikina Raut is a 28-year-old Self Help Group (SHG) member from Junei village in the Gop block of Puri district in Odisha. Baffled by violations of lockdown orders in her area, she decided to use an...
View ArticleA trip down memory lane with the voice of Indian radio cricket commentary -...
Noted Cricket Commentator Dr. Narottam Puri during an interview with The Hindu in New Delhi - SUSHIL KUMAR VERMADr. Narottam Puri was immensely respected by the players, for he was always spot on even...
View ArticleSEBA & All India Radio introduce radio lessons for students of Classes IX and...
The Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) has joined hands with the All India Radio (AIR) to impart audio lessons in all major subjects to students of Classes IX and X for minimizing their...
View ArticleObituary:Malvika Marathe, Former News Reader OF Doordarshan Sahyadri is no more.
Former News Readerof Doordarshan Sahyadri(Marathi)channel,Smt Malvika Marathe took last breath on 8th May2020 in private hospital. She was suffering through Brain Cancer since last year. She was 53...
View Articleआकाशवाणी जोधपुर की 49 वीं वर्षगांठ आज
9 मई 1971 का दिन जोधपुर के लिया खास था क्यों की उस दिन आकाशवाणी जोधपुर का प्राइमरी चैनल शुरू हुआ था। मुकुट माथुर जी की प्रथम उद्घोषणा के साथ शुरू हुआ था मारवाड़ की मिट्टी की सुगंध लिए आकाशवाणी जोधपुर।...
View ArticleObituary : Shri Bimal Chatterjee former Programme executive, AIR Kolkata is...
Bimal Chatterjee former Programme executive, AIR Kolkata expired this morning at R.N.Tagore hospital kolkata. He was 78. Prasar Bharati Parivar condoles the demise of Bimal Da and prays to the almighty...
View ArticleA trip down memory lane with the voice of Indian radio cricket commentary -...
Dr. Narottam Puri's mellifluous voice was an added attraction to follow cricket on the radio - SUSHIL KUMAR VERMAQ) How was your preparation for the matches?A) There were two things. One is that, in...
View ArticleAkashvani Rohtak celebrated its 45th anniversary .
45th foundation year of Akashwani Rohtak and Completed 44 glorious years!! My real home ♥️ I love when I m 'ON AIR'& it feels great when our listeners praises our efforts & we can see so much...
View ArticleIn association with My Govt Assam AIR Guwahati will Brodcast Quiz Competition
Source:Facebook of Alokesh Gupta
View ArticleAIR resumes External Services broadcasts
All India Radio has resumed its external services broadcasts to neighboring countries wef 8th May'2020, few more will resume today as per below :0100-0200 UTC Sindhi 7380 kHz 0700-0800 UTC Nepali 9950...
View ArticleRadio School in Nagpur Started to Ease the Impact of COVID-19 - News Report
It is a unique move by the civic body as it allowed the radio school in Nagpur to get started just to ease the impact of the virus outbreak. As per reports, the venture known as School Outside School,...
View ArticleMeghalaya to start airing Educational Broadcast amid lockdown from May 11 -...
All India Radio, Shillong will start airing Educational Broadcast on State hook up during the lockdown period starting from May 11. The broadcast will be from Monday to Saturday, from 10:30 am to 11:30...
View ArticleEngineering staff of BH Mumbai perform continuous 48 Hrs duty in this...
As the lockdown is going on due to Coronavirus crisis ,staff of AIR Mumbai is performing continuous 48 Hrs duty.All the engg staff including ladies staff working vigorously to maintain the...
View Articleआकाशवाणी चित्तौड़गढ़ केंद्र का कोरोना महामारी पर जागरूकता का संदेश भरा कोलाज
वर्तमान में कोरोना महामारी से पूरी दुनिया त्रस्त है, सभी इससे बचाव एवं जनजागरूकता का प्रसार करने का प्रयास कर रहे है। इसी दिशा में अकाशवाणी चित्तौड़गढ़ भी सुबह 9 बजे से रात 10 बजे तक विभिन्न कार्यक्रमो...
View ArticleDoordarshan & All India Radio assume focus on comprehensive weather coverage
India's national broadcasters Doordarshan and All India Radio have assumed focus on comprehensive weather coverage from across the entire territory of the country. These Weather reports cover every...
View Articleसंयमित जीवन का प्रशिक्षण है रोज़ा :डॉ रफीक मसूदी, सेवानिवृत्त उपमहानिदेशक...
Forwarded by:Dr.Rafeeq Masoodi
View ArticleObituary:पेड़ की डाल गिरने से आकाशवाणी लखनऊ केंद्र में कार्यरत कर्मचारी सुभाष...
सरोजनीनगर में रविवार देर शाम आई तेज आंधी से पेड़ की डाल टूटकर आकाशवाणी लखनऊ केंद्र में कार्यरत कर्मचारी सुभाष यादव (58) के ऊपर गिर गई। इससे वह बुरी तरह घायल हो गए। गंभीर हालत में उन्हें ट्रामा सेंटर ले...
View ArticleAmid lockdown, announcer runs community radio for 333 hours alone
Manoj Kumar Deka, an announcer with Jnan Taranga community radio centre in Guwahati, single handedly ran the centre for 333 hours amid the lockdown period.The fight against COVID-19 pandemic has been...
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