Shri. Akshay Indikar, husband of Mrs. Tejashri Kamble, PEX AIR Pune, directed...
On-the-up director Akshay Indikar, husband of Mrs. Tejashri Kamble, PEX AIR Pune who is all of 28, has completed two Marathi films in as many years and is tearing towards his third. The second one,...
View ArticleObituary - Shri A. Kanthaiah, Sr Tech, DDK Hyderabad is no more.
With extreme regret and shock, we inform the sudden demise of Shri A. Kanthaiah (55), Sr Tech, DDK Hyderabad, due to heart attack on 10th March,2020. He was a sincere, conscientious employee, always...
View Articleदूरदर्शन केंद्र बांदा कर्मी के परिवार ने वृद्धाश्रम के बुजुर्गों के साथ मनाई...
प्रेषक :- श्री. सजल कुमार रेंडर तकनीशियन दूरदर्शन केंद्र बांदा उत्तर प्रदेश के
View ArticleDDK Bhopal acknowledged the extraordinary role of women employees
Doordarshan Kendra Bhopal acknowledged the extraordinary role of women employees and also pledged for contribution towards making equal world for enabled world on Womens Day 2020Any PB parivar member...
View ArticleObituary:-Shri. Prakash Sawarkar ,former announcer, AIR pune is no more.
Shri Savarkar with Akashvani Pune Parivar on a Road Show...Shri. Prakash Sawarkar (78), former announcer, AIR Pune is no more. He expired at 2.30 pm on 10.03.2020. He was extremely active, very...
View ArticleAIR Chennai organized the Saarvari Santoshaalu function on the occasion of...
All India Radio, Chennai organized the Saarvari Santoshaalu function on the occasion of Ugadi at MTR studio in the campus of AIR, Chennai, at Mylapore, on 11 March 2020 at 5PM.Any PB parivar member can...
View ArticleDoordarshan channels have seen good growth in viewership in 2019: I&B min -...
Prasar Bharati’s Hindi general entertainment channel DD National and its regional channels have seen tremendous growth in viewership. According to BARC data, DD National’s viewership increased to 18.31...
View ArticleWomen's Day Celebration at DDK Chennai
Source : Santhanam RavichandranAny PB parivar member can send such positive stories at for possible publication on PB Parivar Blog
View ArticleWomen's day celebration at DDK, Nagpur.
International women's day was celebrated at Doordarshan Kendra, Nagpur with great fervour. Dr. Shabina Sheikh, a prominent Psychotherapist and motivational speaker was the chief guest on this occasion....
View ArticleObituary:-Smt. Ammini Thomas (59), LDC, CBS, AIR, Trivandrum epired on 11th...
Smt. Ammini Thomas (59), LDC, CBS, AIR, Trivandrum epired at 8.30 am on 11th March 2020 Wednesday.She got heart attack on 16 th February 2020 , from were she never recovered. She joined AIR, Trivandrum...
View ArticlePrasar Bharati assessing resources for converting limited hours DD channels...
Public service broadcaster Prasar Bharati is assessing the resources for converting limited hours DD channels into 24*7 channel, Information & Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar informed the...
View Articleआकाशवाणी जयपुर परिसर में सभी कर्मचारियों द्वारा श्रमदान
आकाशवाणी जयपुर परिसर में आज केंद्र प्रमुख उप महानिदेशक श्री रणवीरसिंह त्यागी एवं कार्यक्रम प्रमुख रेशमा खान के नेतृत्व में सभी कर्मचारियों द्वारा श्रमदान किया।उद्यान में घास लगाई एव पौधरोपण किया...
View ArticleOur bright children:प्रखर सिंह, पुत्र श्री जयराम सिंह, सहायक अभियंता ,...
प्रखर सिंह, पुत्र श्री जयराम सिंह, सहायक अभियंता , दूरदर्शन HPT लखीमपुर पुर, ने NIFT की प्रवेश परीक्षा में 13th रैंक प्राप्त किया है । बधाई व उज्ज्वल भविष्य हेतु शुभकामनाएं ।It's a matter of pride for...
View ArticlePM to share his thoughts in 'Mann Ki Baat' programme on 29th March 2020
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday invited ideas and topics from the public for his monthly radio show, 'Mann ki Baat', scheduled for March 29."On the 29th (March), this month's Mann Ki Baat will...
View Articleआकशवाणी इन्दौर द्वारा महिला स्वालंबन पर विशेष महिला कवि गोष्ठी "नारी तू...
महिला स्वालंबन पर विशेष महिला कवि गोष्ठी शीर्षक "नारी तू नारायणी "प्रसारण दिनांक 24 मार्च 2020 रात्रि 9.30 बजे आकशवाणी इन्दौर से होगी । प्रस्तुति श्री किशोर कुमार वर्मा कार्यक्रम प्रमुख की होगी ।द्वारा...
View Articleभावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि : Remembering (Late) Shri Bijoy D. Modi, former UDC AIR...
Shri Bijoy Dhansukhbhai Modi, UDC, All India Radio, Rajkot had left us on 15-03-2016, four years back. He was born on 20.11.1975 and had joined AIR Rajkot in 1994. He was the only son of late Shri D.L....
View ArticleDDK friends meet on 14 th March 2020.
DDK friends meeting at Youth Hostel on March 14th, 2020 .Source :-Facebook account of Shri.Mohan Prao.
View Articleभावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि :आकाशवाणी की लोकप्रिय समाचार वाचिका विनोद कश्यप जी की...
आकाशवाणी की आवाज़ विनोद कश्यप ने ही देश को भारत-चीन युद्ध, भारत पाकिस्तान युद्ध ( 1965, 1971), नेहरू जी और लाल बहादुर शास्त्री की मृत्यु के समाचार सुनाए थे। गुजरे जमाने की आकाशवाणी की लोकप्रिय समाचार...
View ArticleOur bright children: Anchita D/O Shri. Anirban Banergee,Engineer ,secured 5...
Anchita D/O Anirban Banergee ,secured 5th rank in 1st level SOF International Mathematics Olympaid held during December 2019.It's a matter of pride for Prasar Bharati Parivar and it showers it's...
View Articleभावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि : Remembering (Late) Shri Salam Priyokumar Singh, former...
Shri Salam Priyokumar Singh, Sr. Announcer, All India Radio Imphal had expired on 17th March 2017, three years back. Born on 1.3.1959, Shri Priyokumar was a multifaceted and a jolly nature person. He...
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