International women's day was celebrated at Doordarshan Kendra, Nagpur with great fervour. Dr. Shabina Sheikh, a prominent Psychotherapist and motivational speaker was the chief guest on this occasion. At the outset Shri Bhupendra Turkar, Dy. Director (Engg.) and head of office welcomed Dr. Shabina by presenting a bouquet on behalf of the staff members of Doordarshan Kendra, Nagpur. Smt. Sandhya Kilnake, Assistant Engineer gave introductory remarks while Ravindra Mishra, I/C Hindi Officer conducted the proceedings. Shri Bhupendra Turkar, Dy. Director (E) and Shri Atul Bhusari, Head Of Programme also spoke on this occasion. A special Hindi workshop on 'Stress Management' was also organised that was attended by a large number of staff members of DDK, Nagpur. Dr. Shabina Sheikh gave an enlightening speech on stress management with the help of power point presentation. She discussed at length the types of stress in daily life and their remedies.
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Contributed by :-Shri. Ravindra Mishra, DDK, Nagpur,