AIR Ratnagiri staff shown generosity towards flood affected people of Kerala.
As we all know that Kerala people are facing worst disaster due to heavy rains, floods and landslides. Hence some staff members of AIR Ratnagiri came forward and contributed and collected relief...
View Articleलोक प्रसारक के रूप में आकाशवाणी की भूमिका
एक लोक प्रसारक के रूप में आकाशवाणी ने अपनी भूमिका पूरी निष्ठा के साथ निभाई है| पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री स्वर्गीय श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जी के निधन पर एक सप्ताह के राष्ट्रीय शोक के दौरान आकाशवाणी भोपाल ने...
View ArticleRole of AIR stations in Kerala during Floods
The State of Kerala has been passing through the most unprecedented natural disaster in the form of floods. The catastrophe of the century devastated the life of the State. All India Radio,...
View Articleसंस्कृत दिवस पर आकाशवाणी जयपुर केन्द्र का अनूठा कार्यक्रम
संस्कृत दिवस पर अनूठा कार्यक्रम - दिनांक 23 अगस्त को आकाशवाणी, जयपुर की ओर से संस्कृत कवि सम्मेलन, राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत संस्थान, जयपुर में शाम 4 बजे आयोजित किया गया |कलानाथ शास्त्री की अध्यक्षता में हुआ...
View ArticleMukthi - DDK Trivandrum's initiative for flood affected people
Employees of Doordarshan Kendra Trivandrum initiative "Mukthi" for flood affected people.Source : Subramonian Iyer
View ArticleMy Name is Gauhar Jan !
My Name Is Gauhar Jan – these words added spontaneously at the end of a 78 rpm record by one of the most prolific artists of Gramophone Company more than a century ago started a trend in recording,...
View Articleआकाशवाणी जयपुर एवं राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत संस्थानम द्वारा संस्कृत कवि समावयः का...
आकाशवाणी जयपुर एवं राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत संस्थानं जयपुर के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में दिनांक 23 अगस्त गुरुवार को जयपुर में एक संस्कृत काव्य गोष्ठी "संस्कृत कवि समवाय:"का आयोजन हुआ।कार्यक्रम के आरंभ में...
View Articleकिसीका दर्द मिल सके तो ले उधार ...जीना इसी का नाम है : प्रसार भारती परिवार...
श्री कैलाश कुमार, निवासी पौड़ी गढ़वाल की जिन्दगी बहुत ही कठिन है, ये चल फिर नहीं सकते।इनका सभी नित्य कर्म बिस्तर पर ही होता है।ओमप्रकाश चौरसिया, (अभियांत्रिकी सहाय्यक .)दूरदर्शन रिले केंद्र पौड़ी गढ़वाल...
View ArticleKerala Floods - Madikeri streams messages to save lives
Bridge of connectivity: Personnel in the studios of All India Radio, Madikeri, relay SOS messages during a live transmission session.Amid the operations by rescue forces and other helping hands in the...
View ArticleTop Tips : Headphones
Four devices in a radio studio convert a mechanical effect into an electrical effect, so they can never be perfect. These devices area) Microphonesb) Speakersc) Pickup cartridgesd) HeadphonesAll of...
NameT NAGARAJUCity of residenceDesignationPhoneHow can you contributeNameNANDYAL Engg. Asst. 9440303425 Form local AIR/DD Clubs/Listener Forum ABHAY KUMARCity of...
Shri Korra Satyanarayana,Library Attendent is retiring on 31.08.2018 after completion of 34 years 6 months. He joined AIR, Vijayawada in the year 1983 as Peon. He got promotions as Studio Guard, Studio...
View ArticleObituary : Tapas Mukherjee Retired AE, Doordarshan Kolkata expires
Tapas Mukherjee, AE(Retd), DD Kolkata, has left for heavenly abode on August 26, 2018. He had served many stations/Kendras of AIR & DD. He had retired on 30-04-2012. He is survived by his wife,...
View ArticleAIR Thiruvananthapuram played a vital role during flood disaster in Kerala.
In the internationally accepted emergency kit during disasters, transistor is listed second next to torch. When all other sources of communication fail, transistors do work. In the south most part of...
View ArticleTop tips : Microphones
What's with mics?Microphones are one of the main items in any radio studio. The microphone was invented before transmitters, receivers or recorders... what were they thinking?? Even if you have nothing...
View ArticleInvited audience programme launching by AIR Mysuru Today!
All India Radio Mysuru, launching a new programme on 28.08.2018 at 6.30 pm in Shriranga Mandira, Rangayana premises... In collaboration with Rangayana Mysuru.. It's an invited audience programme,in...
View Articleआकाशवाणी लखनऊ के पखावज वादक पं.राजखुशी राम सम्मानित ।
आकाशवाणी लखनऊ के पखावज वाद्य के टाप ग्रेड कलाकार पं.राजखुशी राम "मृदंगाचार्य"को सी.ई.सी.एस.एसोशिएशन ,लखनऊ ने गत 25अगस्त को लखनऊ में सम्पन्न एक समारोह में "सारस्वत सम्मान "प्रदान किया है।संगीत जगत में...
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