AIR Sambalpur - Retirement Function of SP Sarkar, LDC and Upendra Kalet, MTS
Shri Shyam Pada Sarkar, LDC retired from service on attaining the age of superannuation and Shri Upendra Kalet, Peon was relieved of his duties who opted for retirement under Voluntary Retirement...
View ArticleAIR Mumbai के उद्घोषक श्री आनंद प्रकाश सिंह सेवानिवृत्त..
27 वर्षों से ज्यादा समय तक आकाशवाणी मुम्बई पर अपनी आवाज़ का जादू बिखेरने वाले उद्घोषक श्री आनंद प्रकाशआकाशवाणी मुम्बई से अपना सेवाकाल पूर्ण कर सेवानिवृत्त हो गए हैं ।श्री आनंद प्रकाश सिंह स्टेटिस्टिक्स...
View ArticleSuperannuation of K.K.Singh, DDG(E), M.C. Ramani, ADP and A.K.Shrivastava,...
Shri Kamal Kumar Singh, Dy. Director General ( Engineering ), All India Radio, Raipur (C.G.) retired from Government Service on superannuation on 31st July, 2018.He joined as Assistant Station Engineer...
View ArticleShri PN Singh, Programme Head, DD Bihar (DDK) Patna retired on 31.07.2018
....... A new dawn, a new beginning, a New horizon, a new life is the outcome of superannuation. You don't retire, you re-tyre ! So is the feeling with me. I am touched and overwhelmed by the love ,...
View Articleआकाशवाणी रायपुर केंद्र में सहायक निदेशक (कार्यक्रम) के पद पर कार्यरत श्री...
आकाशवाणी रायपुर केंद्र में सहायक निदेशक (कार्यक्रम) के पद पर कार्यरत श्री मोहन सी रमानी जी 31 जुलाई को सेवानिवृत्त हो गए |आप विदित हो कि श्री रामानी जीने आकाशवाणी के क्षेत्र में अपने करियर की शुरुआत...
Sri. M.J. Shivawamy was born on 04.07.1958 at Magadi village of Chikamagaluru district - Karnaaka. He has acquired his Master’s Degree in Sociology from Mysuru University. Initially he got appointment...
View ArticleSmt. N.Soundari Assistant Engineer retired on 31.07.2018.
Smt. N.Soundari Assistant Engineer retired on 31.07.2018.She has completed 36 years of service worked at various station , DDK, Hyderabad,Trivandrum, AIR,Trichirappalli,TVRC Krishnagiri, NATHAM etc.she...
View ArticleGive Suggestions for Prime Minister's Speech for Independence Day 2018
Over the last few years, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has directly invited ideas and suggestions from citizens for Independence Day Speech. Similarly, this year too the Prime Minister invites citizens...
View ArticleSalma Sultan : " Namaskaar . Ye hai doordarshan samachaar aur me hoon Salma...
Some of the female news readers seemed to have an endless wardrobe of ethnic saris and earrings. Their attire, the style of dressing, a particular item that they always had on them was a hot topic in...
View ArticleShivaswamy Magadi Shivaswamy,PEX Akashavani Mysore, retired on July 2018
Proogramme Exwcutive,Sri Shivaswamy Magadi Shivaswamy retired from Akashavani Mysuru on 31.07.2018. He served in the Railway Department, LIC and Govt. of Karnataka before joining Akashavani Hassan in...
View ArticleK.V.Ramanujam,Instrumentalist of AIR, Chennai,retired on 31 July 2018
Sri K.V.Ramanujam Joined in All India Radio as a staff Artist (Flute Player) on 8.5.1984 in Chennai. He was a ‘Top Ranking’ Flutist of A.I.R. He was a composer in Light Music and in ‘Vadya Vrinda’...
View ArticleDoordarshan Kendra Allahabad celeberated its foundation day on 1st August.
Doordarshan Kendra Allahabad celeberated its foundation day of High power transmitter on 1st august in the able leadership of Er. S.P.Jaiswal, DDE cum Head of the Office and his team. This centre is...
View ArticleWorldDAB establishes new Aftermarket Devices Working Group
WorldDAB has created a new Working Group, focused on the performance and user experience of aftermarket devices for DAB+ in the car. The Aftermarket Devices Working Group (ADWG) brings together...
View ArticleShri. A.S.Kamble, DD(E) retired on 31st August,2018 on superannuation.
Shri. Arvind S.Kamble, Deputy Director (E), O/o. ADG(E),(WZ), AIR&DD, Mumbai joined department on 16th Sept. 1983 as Engg. Asst. at DDK Nagpur. As EA he served LPT Khandwa. In 1986 he got promotion...
View ArticleState Agriculture Minister recorded for Farm and Home broadcast of AIR...
“Onathinu Oru Muram Pachakkari” (A Basket of Vegetables for Onam) is a mega project initiated by the Government of Kerala to develop Horticulture in the State and attain self-sufficiency in the...
View ArticleInspiration - At 22, She Lost Her Leg. At 26, Manasi Joshi Was an...
Manasi Joshi was only six when she started playing badminton with her father. She continued to practise the sport as a hobby and also played at the district level in a few matches. In 2011, she met...
View ArticleShri Amitabh Nigam, Accountant,CCW AIR Lucknow retired on 31.07.2018
Shri Amitabh Nigam Accountant Civil construction wing All India Radio, Lucknow retired from Government Service on superannuation on 31st July, 2018. He has served different centers of AIR &...
NameA.R. THENGECity of residenceDesignationPhoneEmailDate of BirthHow can you contributeNameNANDED A.E.9423137342 20/08/1963 Inform others to join TARIT...
View ArticleShri N K Yadav DDE and HOO, Doordarshan HPT DMC Jodhpur, retired 0n 31 July 2018
Source:Ganpat Sagar,
View ArticleShri Fayyaz Sheheryar, DGAIR elected President of Asia-Pacific Institute of...
The Asia-Pacific Institute of Broadcasting Development (AIBD) on Friday elected Fayyaz Sheheryar, Director-General of All India Radio, as its new President.India has been elected as the president of...
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