India Radio’s Magazine Archives now Public
Indian Broadcasting Company (IBC) published the journal “RADIO TIMES” from July 1927. From April 1930 Indian State Broadcasting Service (ISBS), Bombay continued to publish it with the name “INDIAN RADIO TIMES”. From December 1935 another English Journal “INDIAN LISTENER” was published from Bombay. Its publication moved to AIR Delhi in August 1937. The INDIAN LISTENER became “AKASHVANI (ENGLISH)” in January, 1958. It again underwent a makeover to reflect the changed philosophy in Radio Broadcasting, “the thoughts of an independent country”. Classical music and general programmes were balanced with the intellectual take on India and its challenges. Since beginning and irrespective of its name, It used to serve the listener as a Bradshaw of broadcasting in that era, and gave listener the useful information in an interesting manner about programmes, who wrote them, took part in them and produced them along with photographs of performing artists. It also contains the information of major changes in the policy and services of the organisation and government. AKASHVANI (ENGLISH)” continued till 1984.
सारंग (आल इंडिया रेडियो का पाक्षिक पत्र )
आकाशवाणी दिल्ली द्वारा देवनागरी लिपि में जुलाई 1938 से प्रकाशित इस हिंदी पाक्षिक पत्रिका में आजादी के पूर्व से ही आकाशवाणी के विभिन्न स्टेशनों के कार्यक्रमों का विवरण, कार्यक्रमों से जुड़ीं रोचक जानकारियां और कलाकारों के छायाचित्रों का दुर्लभ संकलन उपलब्ध है| जनवरी 1958 से सारंग पत्रिका का नाम बदलकर “आकाशवाणी (हिन्दी)” कर दिया गया I
To popularize radio in the Hindi belt of India, the Hindi journal “Sarang” was started in the year 1938. The aim was to provide interesting and useful information to the Hindi knowing masses about the radio programmes. It includes photographs of performing artists and includes more Hindi content in programming. This “Sarang” magazine became Akashvani (Hindi) in 1958 and continued till 1984.
Radio itself was giving adequate publicity to all its programmes through its various broadcasts. So after 1984 the publication of Akashvani journals (Hindi and English) was discontinued.
Contributed by :-Shri.Alokesh Gupta ,
Contributed by :-Shri.Alokesh Gupta ,