Fourteen-year-old Anushka Panda of Gurugram secured 97.8% in the CBSE Class-10 exams, but that's not what she is most proud of: she's just happy she didn't have to use the extra half-hour granted to differently-abled students during papers.
The wheelchair-bound teenager admits the journey was tougher for her than her peers.
Despite that, she ended up topping the differently-abled category and setting an example.
Family spends over Rs. 5cr annually on Anushka's treatment
Anushka suffers from muscular spinal atrophy. The genetic condition developed when she was 10-months-old. It affects her motor nerve cells in the spinal cord, thus hampering mobility.
So she needs a wheelchair and can't sit for too long.
Treatment, which is currently only available in the US, costs over Rs. 5.05cr each year, she says.
Anushka will now work towards becoming a software engineer
Anushka, a trained classical-singer who enjoys chess, wants to be a software-engineer with Google. She now plans to take up Science.
But she urges the society to change its views about the disabled.
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