A three day Workshop on “Disciplinary Proceedings & Departmental Inquiry” was conducted by Regional Academy of Broadcasting & Multimedia(P), Thiruvananthapuram from 22.08.2016(Monday) to 24.08.2016(Wednesday) at Thodupuzha near Kochi. CCS (CCA) Rules, departmental Inquiries Act, Procedure for conducting Inquiries, Duties & Responsibilities of Inquiry Officers-Presenting Officers, Defence Assistant etc; and some practical exercises based on these topics were dealt with in detail during the three days. Shri.Gopakumar, AO (Rtd), AG’s office, Thiruvananthapuram coordinated the course. Shri.Santhosh Kumar, Inspector of Police,CBI,Kochi,and Shri.V.Pushparajan Nair, Associate, DDK, Thiruvananthapuram were the visiting faculty who handled the various sessions. Course materials (Power point presentation) were mailed to all the 12 participants who had come from various AIR&DD stations of South India.
Contributed By:Shri.Radhakrishnan.S,Assistant Director(P),RABM(P),Thiruvananthapuram,lekha gopal ,Lekha Gopal2009@gmail.com