ADDRESS BY SRI MEKA VENKATESWARA RAO, ACCOUNTANT, AIR, VIJAYAWADA ON SUPERANNUATIONDear FriendsMy 35.7 years of service with All India Radio, Vijayawada is coming to an end on 30.06.2020 A.N. The...
View ArticleNews Report :Guwahati AIR news broadcaster completes non-stop 100 days news...
Guwahati/IBNS: During the COVID-19 pandemic situation, a news reader of All India Radio in Guwahati station has created history by completing non-stop 100 days of his duty hours without any break or...
View ArticleBus Conductor to Award-Winning Filmmaker: Meet an Extraordinary Manipuri...
It was back in 2014 when Amarjit Maibam (Amar), a former bus conductor, began documenting the lives of the truck drivers who drive through the perilous National Highways 2 and 37, bringing essential...
View ArticleIn Tribute: Bengaluru’s Beloved ‘RJ-Auto Driver’, Who Donated Books Worth Rs...
If you ever tuned into Radio Active, Bengaluru, during your long commutes, you were sure to catch Radio Jockey (RJ) Shivakumar hosting a unique show, in which he would go around the city, interviewing...
View ArticleAll India Radio Broadcast Its First Ever News Magazine Program In Sanskrit -...
The All India Radio (AIR) has broadcast its first-ever news magazine program in Sanskrit on Saturday. "In keeping with its spirit to give a fillip to Indian languages, All India Radio has broadcast its...
Hindi versionTamil versionKannada versionMaster P. Praneel, studying in Class IV in St. Joseph’s Central School, Vijayanagar, Mysore, son of Mr. Premkumar P. Wellington, All India Radio, Mysore and Dr....
View ArticleInspirational:स्कूली छात्रों की पहल, घर-घर जाकर इकट्ठी करते हैं दवाइयां ताकि...
अक्सर लोगों के बीमारी से ठीक होने के बाद, उनकी बहुत-सी दवाईयां बच जाती हैं। ज़्यादातर घरों में आपको ऐसी बहुत-सी ऐसी दवाईयां मिल जाती हैं। कुछ समय बाद, हम इन दवाईयों को डस्टबिन का रास्ता दिखा देते हैं।...
View Articleआकाशवाणी रायपुर के उदघोषक अनिल सालोमन , 30 जून को सेवानिवृत हुए।
आकाशवाणी रायपुर केन्द्र में उदघोषक के पद पर कार्यरत श्री अनिल सालोमन जी, दिनांक 30 जून को सेवानिवृत हुए । आप विदित हों कि आकाशवाणी शहडोल केन्द्र से अपनी कैरियर की शुरूआत 2 दिसम्बर 1996 को उद्धोषक के पद...
View ArticleInspiration : Inspiring story of DRDO Scientist appointed by PM Narendra Modi.
He is Pratap aged 21 years. He travels 28 days in a month to foreign countries.France has invited him to join their Organisations for which he will be provided with monthly salary of Rs 16 Lakhs, 5 BHK...
View Articleआकाशवाणी सरायपाली केन्द्र के पूर्व इंजीनियर देवेंद्र कुमार प्रधान, छत्तीसगढ़...
आकाशवाणी सरायपाली केन्द्र में इंजीनियरिंग असिस्टेंट के पद पर कार्यरत रहे श्री देवेंद्र कुमार प्रधान (रा.प्र.से.2018) डिप्टी कलेक्टर, छत्तीसगढ़ के मुख्यमंत्री के विशेष कर्तव्यस्थ अधिकारी OSD नियुक्त किया...
View ArticleHow to be fearless: motivational video
Credit and source: Sandeep Maheshwari you tube channel
View ArticleObituary : Mr. S.T.Sailo, Former D.D.G.(P), Doordarshan is no more.
Mr. S.T.Sailo , Former D.D.G.(P), Doordarshan passed away today at 2:15pm in Aizawl. He was a popular broadcaster in North East India.Prasar Bharati Parivar condoles the demise of Shri. S. T. Sailo...
View ArticleIndoor fogging and awareness session held at Akashvani Mangalore
Indoor fogging and awareness session held at Akashvani Mangalore , our sincere thanks to the health department , thanks to Dr Naveen Chandra Kulal and Sri ChandrashekharAll staff members participated...
View ArticleOur Bright Children : Aman Sharma S/o Mahesh Sharma, Sr.Tech. DDK Indore...
हमारे साथी श्री महेश शर्मा जी, सीनियर टेक्निशियन, दूरदर्शन इंदौर के सपुत्र अमन शर्मा के निर्देशन में एक क्राइम थ्रिलर शॉर्ट फिल्म डिलीवरी बॉय का निर्माण किया गया...
View ArticleSri S.SankaraNarayana (popularly known as Sankar),84, Retired Station...
Sri S.SankaraNarayana(popularly known as Sankar),84, Retired Station Director passed away at Hyderabad this afternoon.He served at different stations in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu in...
View ArticleInspirational:उस शख्स की कहानी जिसने सतपुड़ा के जंगलों को टूरिस्ट स्पॉट में...
क्या आप जानते हैं जंगल में एक तिलिस्म होता है, एक महक होती है जो आपके अन्दर के अंधकार को मिटा देती है। भले ही हम विकास की रफ्तार में आगे बढ़ते जा रहे हों लेकिन यह सच है कि हम सब प्रकृति से दूर होते जा...
View ArticlePrasar Bharati Board CEO Shashi Shekhar welcome new part time member
Prasar Bharati CEO Shashi Shekhar Vempatti welcome five nominated part time members to the board.The members include Journalist Ashok Kumar Tandon,music composer Salim Merchant,Shina N C,Alok...
View ArticleInspirational:जब एक बंगाली ने स्वदेशी क्रीम बनाकर अंग्रेजों को दी चुनौती,...
कहा जाता है कि जब 15 अगस्त 1947 को भारत को आजादी मिली, तो कंपनी ने बोरोलीन की करीब 1,00,000 ट्यूब मुफ्त में बांटी थी।हर मर्ज की दवा – बोरोलीन। करीब एक सदी से हरे रंग की इस ट्यूब के बारे यही कहा जाता...
View ArticlePM to share his thoughts in 'Mann Ki Baat' programme on All India Radio on...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will share his thoughts with the people in the country and abroad in the 'Mann Ki Baat' programme on All India Radio on the 26th of this month. It will be the 67th episode...
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