Aditya Raman S/O Sundar Raman, AE, AIR Pune scored 442/500 marks i.e 88.4% in 10th std Maharashtra state Board exam. His performance in maths and science is outstanding, he scored 93 marks in maths and 97marks in science out of 100.
It's a matter of pride for Prasar Bharati Parivar and it showers it's blessings on his bright Son.
Any PB Parivar member can mail such achievements and photo of meritorious Children to or for possible publication on PB Parivar blog www.airddfamily.blogspot.
Contributed by :- Shri Nilesh Ghatole, Technician, AIR Pune
Contributed by :- Shri Nilesh Ghatole, Technician, AIR Pune