We all know that due to Corona Virus there is complete Lock down in our Country except Essential Services.
Being a part of Very Important Essential Service Administrative Staff of All India Radio Rajkot is working tirelessly for smooth functioning of All India Radio Services.
Administrative Staff of All India Radio Rajkot is working throughout this Lockdown Situation as the payment have worked tirelessly for timely payment of Our Suppliers, Our Casual Announcers, Providing Sanitizer, Mask and all necessary sanitizing equipments to our staff And at the all corners of All India Radio, Rajkot Premises. very essential requirement for our suppliers, Our Casuals, and Our Staff members. They
The Staff is also working on timely payment of Salaries and all the other Payment related to our staff which is also major requirement during the current lockdown situation.
The Staff Consists of SH. B. R. Chauhan, AO, SH. V, S. Parmar, Assistant, Sh. N. J. Mankad, UDC, Sh.K.R. Bhatt, UDC, SH. M. G. Palan, UDC, SH. B. R. Raval, UDC, SH.D. H. Mankodi, UDC, SH. ZULfiqar Khan, MTS SH.R. L. Ranva, MTS, SH Y.N.Jadeja, MTS, SH. G.J. Wghela, MTS etc are tirelessly working for all the required necessary arrangements being made and to be made for smooth functioning of the Station.
Contributed by :-Shri. Nigam Upadhyaya,EA.
Contributed by :-Shri. Nigam Upadhyaya,EA.