All India Radio, Jodhpur was assigned a revenue target of 11 Lakhs for both primary channel and CBS channel for the financial year 2014 -2015. But the rigorous strategy by the committed staff of AIR, Jodhpur achieved this in December 2015 itself and it had three more months. So more aggressive strategy was devised and the station not only crossed the target marginally but almost doubled it. It achieved 18 Lakh + in the financial year. This financial year the target has been increased to 23 Lakh, and in the first two months of this financial year, almost 25% of the target has been already achieved, and the committed staff is optimistic that we will cross this target also. At the Outstanding Revenue Achievers Felicitation Function held at CSOI, Vinay Marg, New Delhi, AD (P), AIR Jodhpur Anil Kumar Goel receiving trophy and certificate from DG, AIR, Mr F Sheharyar, and DG, DD, Ms Aparna Vaishya, and Member Personnel, PB Board Mr Panda.
Contributed by :- Akashvani Jodhpur