आकाशवाणी की सेवानिवृत सुप्रसिद्ध समाचार वाचिका श्रीमती विनोद कश्यप का निधन हो गया है वे 88 वर्ष की थीं । वे लगभग 30 वर्ष तक हिन्दी समाचार से जुड़ी रहीं । उन्होंने अपने प्रसारण कर्म की शुरूआत आकाशवाणी में रेडियो नाटकों से की थी।
आज शाम नई दिल्ली में उनकी याद में एक श्रद्धांजलि सभा का आयोजन किया गया है ।
Vinod Kashyap.
There were times during the 1971 India-Pakistan war when the sound of the sirens would cause bedlam in Vinod Kashyap’s Jor Bagh home. As her children would be sent off to hide, Kashyap would rush off to the All India Radio studios for her news shift. “Work for me came first – I had no time to be afraid,” said Kashyap, whose buland awaaz, or strong voice, made her broadcasts riveting.
At 88 now, the veteran Hindi newsreader is bogged down by arthritis and asthma, but her voice remains the same.
Kashyap began working in radio as a voice actor in 1955 while she was still in college. A few years later, the Hindi News Service hired her. “Although I was used to the microphone as a drama artiste, newsreading was a different ball game,” recalled Kashyap. “You had to keep your voice fairly flat – after all, you cannot dramatise news.” Every day at work was a learning experience – reading news required a certain familiarity with current events and a degree of alertness. “We were responsible for each and every word that was broadcast,” Kashyap said.
After retiring around 28 years ago, Kashyap’s focus turned to her family and pursuing other interests, such as travelling, classical music and theatre – things she never had time for because of her work schedule. She now spends her days watching “educative and entertaining TV programmes”. Does she listen to radio? No, she says. She stopped enjoying it “because the style of newsreading has changed from the time I was there. And this saddens me a great deal.”
विनम्र श्रद्धाजलि
Source : झावेन्द्र कुमार ध्रुव