Dhai Akhar National Level Letter Writing Campaign is a campaign organized by Department of Posts to promote the art of letter writing in the country. The theme/topic of the Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign is “Letter to my motherland / मेरे देश के नाम खत” inspired by Rabindranath Tagore’s “Amar Desher Mati”.
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Prize to be given to the winners in each Category at Circle Level:
First Prize in each Category: INR 25000/-
Second Prize in each Category: INR 10000/-
Third Prize in each Category: INR 5000/-
Prize to be given to the winners in each Category at National Level:
First Prize in each Category: INR 50000/-
Second Prize in each Category: INR 25000/-
Third Prize in each Category: INR 10000/-
First Prize in each Category: INR 25000/-
Second Prize in each Category: INR 10000/-
Third Prize in each Category: INR 5000/-
Prize to be given to the winners in each Category at National Level:
First Prize in each Category: INR 50000/-
Second Prize in each Category: INR 25000/-
Third Prize in each Category: INR 10000/-
Source & full details pl. click here :