Brain storming sessions by Shri. Sugata Roy & Smt. Anu Puri, Communication Specialists from UNICEF along with Smt. Shifali Chaturvedi, Executive Producer and Shri.Tej Prakash Yadav, Senior Communication Manager from BBC Media Action (India) Limited investigated in detail as to how the talents all over Kerala can be incorporated in the broadcast on the post-flood operations during the next three months. Innovative ideas evolved in the interactive group discussions focused mainly on the formats and theme of the programme. All the groups unanimously came out with an elegant synopsis of a fifteen minute magazine programme which would be broadcast by all Kerala stations in the coming quarter. The participants unanimously expressed that the workshop imparted added energy and broader vision to them in fighting the distress of a disaster.
Contributed by :- Regional Academy of Broadcasting & Multimedia(P), AIR & DD,