- Use the “Tweet Deck” application for better management of tweets and to schedule the tweets. It can be used for late night activity on Social Media to cater the overseas audience.
- No bombardment of posts. There should be at least a gap of 15-20 minutes between 2 posts.
- Social Media posts on News should invariably contain the Headlines.
- All live coverages, programmes, News should be immediately tweeted to gather wider audience.
- For discussion based programmes, a wider promotion should be given well in advance and the names of the invited guests to be included in the posts.
- Don’t tag too many people in a tweet. Only most important tweet should contain the tags. Only relevant persons and officers to be tagged in the posts
- Hashtag should appear only at the end of the posts and not in the beginning of the post.
- Posts should contain less texts and more visual effects.
- Tweets can be bilingual (English/ Regional)
- Titles of social media posts should be more crispy and attractive (not names of files/programmes/titles)
- Only promos/shorts clips/teasers should be placed on Facebook/Twitter, while full content can be made available on youtube. This will help in monetisation.
Best Practices of Social Media -- Twitter