*A Condolance meeting was organised by Gulshan Cultural Forum Kashmir and Markaz-e-Adab wa saqafat Chrar-e-Sharief at Kralpora Chadoora*
Today in kralpora chadoora - a condolance was organised by Gulshan Cultural Forum Kashmir and Markaz-e-Adab wa saqafat Chrar-e-Sharief in the honor of justice Gh. Nabi Gowhar - a known poet, writer, Novalist, Translator and social activist. Gowhar sahib breathed his last on 19th of June 2018.
People from all walks of life and renowned personalities participated in the said meeting. The son of Gowhar Sahab Mr. Shahwaar Gowhar was announced as the heir of jinab Gowhar Sahab. He was elevated and in the meeting was turbanised in presence of Gowhar sahib's brothers Mohmmad Amin Mukeem and Badar-ud-Din Muqeem. Representatives from other organisations and institutions who participated in the meeting are J&K Cultural Accademy, Radio Kashmir Srinagar, Doordarshan Kendera Srinagar, information department, J&K cancer Founation, Azad Cultural forum, New Kashmir foundation srinagar, Rafi Abad Adabi Markaz and other literary, social and religious organisations. A large number of late gowhar's friends and contemporaries including Giyan Peeth Awardee prof. Rehman Rahi, Mohmmad Zaman Aazurda, Prof. Gulshan Majeed, Prof Dad Ramzan, Prof Farooq Fayaz, Basher Basheer, General Secretary of Gulshan Cultural Forum Kashmir Gulshan Badrani, President Syed Bashir Kousar, khurshid khamosh, Former Additional Director General Doordarsha and Patron RafiAbad Adbi Markaz Dr. Rafiq Masoodi, Secretary Kashmir Markaz wa Saqafat Chrar-e-Sharief Inayat Gul and president Ghulam Nabi Adfar, Shamshad Kralwari, Ab. Rashid Hanjoora, Molvi Showkat Hussain Keng, Adil Kralwari, Dr. Syed Iftikhar Hussain, Reshi Manzoor, Editor Tameel Irshad Nazim Nazir, Hasrat Gadda, Wali Waheed, Bashir Chirag, Nazir Qureshi, Assad ullah Asad, Nayeem Kashmiri, Gh,Rasool Josh, Shahbaz Hakbari, Mohamad Khaleel, Mohammad Yousf Figar, Ab. Rehman Latief and Aijaz Ahamad Kakroo.
All these personalities expressed their views about different dimentions of late Gowhar. During te tributes session- different phases of this great personality were emphasised and light was thrown on his great personality. His role as session judge and his other capabilities were brought forth.
Condolance message from different corners came during the whole session. This condolance meeting continued for the whole day long. Collective Fateh khawani after Friday prayers were led by Molvi showkat Hussain Keng.Inayat Gul acted as stage secretary through out the condolance meeting.
Rafeeq masoodi rafeeq_masoodi@yahoo.co.in