All India Radio, Anantapur organised Radio Kisan Divas on 15th February, 2018 at Rekulakunta Agriculture Research Station. The Programme was presided by Dr. V. Venkateswara Rani, ASD, Anantapuram. Senior Superintendent of Police by profession and academically a veterinarian and former Akashvani employee Dr. P. Venkatarami Reddy,IPS and Smt. T.K.Ramamani,IAS, Joint Collector were the Chief Guests of the programme. Progressive farmers, organic farmers, veterans in the field of agriculture attended in large numbers. agriculture scientists, horticulture, animal husbandary and dairy development , lead bank officials also participated in the programme.After the opening session, interactive programme with farmers and scientists and officials went on well. many farmers prticipated in the programme and appreciated the initiative of All India Radio, Anantapur. Representatives of local print and electronic media also attended the event and gave wide coverage to Radio Kiasan Divas. The efforts of Kisanvani Programme Executive, Sri G. Nageswara Reddy were praised by one and all.
Kisan Divas Celebration-All India Radio, Anantapur