On 19th July at 5:30 p.m. AIR Pune organized seventh episode of serial “Nivedak Aaplya Bhetila” (Interact with Announcer). This event was organized in AIR Pune’s auditorium. This episode was presented by Smt. Gauri Lagoo. Even though it was raining, the auditorium was over packed. Response from AIR Pune’s listeners was tremendous.

She also produced nine episode drama serial ‘Vanshvruksha’. This serial was based on novel written by famous Kannada novelist Shri. S.L. Bhyrappa. The novel was translated in Marathi by Smt. Uma Kulakrani. After insisting by Smt. Lagoo, Smt. Kulkarni wrote script for this serial. Smt. Lagoo called upon stage famous Marathi writers cum artists Shri. Madhav Vaze, Shri. Anant Kanho and Smt. Uma Kulkarni one by one. They appreciated Smt. Lagoo for her contribution in producing such great serials and shared their experience working with her.
During this event Shri. A.K. Hebbalkar (Engg. Asst.) acquainted the audience with Transmitter setup. With the help of Power Point Presentation he explained how audio signal is transmitted from Control Room to Transmitter. Then how it is amplified, superimposed on carrier and transmitted up to listener’s Radio set. He also given tips how to receive good signals on their receivers at home. His explanation and presentation in simple language was highly appreciated. Shri. Mangesh Waghmare who was hosting the event invited Smt. Sangeeta Upadhye, Asst. Director (Engg.) and Shri. Gopal Autee , Dy. Director and Head of Programme, upon dais. Both officers pat Mrs. Lagoo for her dedication and wished her more success in future.
Smt. Gauri Lagoo thanked Smt. Jyoti Ranjekar for extending technical help especially inserting video effects and photos showing on screen when signature tunes of various serials produced by her, were played. The recording of this programme was carried out by Shri. Ravindra Ranjekar and his team comprising Smt. Ranjekar, Shri. Ghatole and Shri. Raut. The recording of this event will be scheduled to broadcast on Pune ‘A’ channel in two parts, at the earliest. Programme was concluded after vote of thanks.