Doordarshan Recreation Club, Bhubaneswar observed the 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar on 14.04.2016 in a befitting way. The staff members paid floral tribute to the great Jurist, Philosopher and Crusader of downtrodden people of our society. Shri L.K.Pradhan, DDG(E), Dr. S.K.Rath, DDP(HOP), Shri S.S.Dhada, AD(News), Shri P.B.Behera, ARO, Shri B.K.Mohapatra, Sr.AO, Shri P.R.Acharya, AE, Shri B.D.Hembrum, Shri H.K.Kujhur spoke on different facets of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar. A good number of staff members participated in the meeting.