Senior Technician CE(WZ),Mumbai from 12.02.1986 to 28.03.1989 Installation work of 2x500KW T/R at Nagpur ,2x100KW T/R -Ahmadabad & LRS(studio &T/R)-Beed.,
29.03.1989 to 02.01.2002 Engineering Assistant at AIR, Panaji Operation/maintenance & shift duties at studio/ T/R, OB duties.
02.01.2002 to Till date Senior -Engineering Assistant AIR, Panaji.
1. Maintenance & purchase of Engg. Stores.
2. MW, METP, PS operation.
3. Co-ordination with local department like BSNL, Elect. Dept, PWD and other concern departments.
4. During the period of 2010-11 duties of Engg. Head.
5. Supervision of VIP, VVIP OBs, IFFI, BRICS, PB Cricket tournament, Lusofonia Games, BRICS- International Cricket ODI Matches and football tournament, Invited Audience concerts (Western & Indian Music)
श्री गावडे के सेवानिवृत्ति के अवसर पर कार्यालय के अधिकारियों कर्मचारियों ने शुभेच्छा व्यक्त करते हुए कहा है कि Mr.RG… U R NOT ONLY A COLLEAGUE BUT A TRUE FRIEND, GUIDE AND ADVISOR OF US …. One of the pleasant things about your life WE SEE IN U is that we as everyone, whether SMALL OR BIG, rich or poor, liked or disliked, has some kind of a role and place in your heart….. WISH YOU ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR NEW BEGINNING…..
ब्लॉग रिपोर्ट — प्रवीण नागदिवे, ARU AIR MUMBAI
ब्लॉग रिपोर्ट — प्रवीण नागदिवे, ARU AIR MUMBAI