Shri.A.Selvaraj,Library and Information Assistant of Coimbatore, All India Radio gets the covetous doctoral degree from Bharathiar University.The degree of “Doctor of Philosophy” has been awarded to Shri A.Selvaraj in Library and Information Science from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Bharathiar University.
Dr.A.Selvaraj joined AIR, Coimbatore in 1996 as Librarian with the basic degree B.Sc(Zoology) and the master degree M.L.I.Sc.( Library and Information Science). Along with his profession, he continued his education and got his M.Phil (Library and Information Science) and M.A (Journalism and Mass Communication). Afterwards he pursued his doctoral research under the guidance of Dr.D.Sankaranarayanan,Dept. of Library and Information Science,Annamalai Univerisity. Dr.A.Selvaraj has published two international level papers (International Journal of Information Retrieval and Management) and 3 national level papers. He has attended about 18 national and international conferences/workshops. He has presented 3 national level papers too.
Dr. A.Selvaraj’s wife Smt.D.Sumathy is the Chief Manager of Indian Bank, Singanallur, Coimbatore(T.N.). He has two sons, S.Prem Kumar(12th standard) and S.Vignesh Kumar (7th standard).
It is really a splendid achievement and PB Parivar is proud of his grand success.
Contributed by :- Shri. Selvaraj A ,airselva69@gmail.com